
Delegation from Tashkent State University of Economics Visits Our Institute to Observe the Construction of the Luojia Summer Program


On the morning of July 4th, a delegation from Uzbekistan's Tashkent State University of Economics, led by Vice President Khalikov Ulugbek, visited our institute. The delegation was warmly received by Dean Qiang Yuexin, Party Secretary Liu Chaohui, Vice Dean Hong Jiewen, Professor Ji Li, head of the "Global Communication and Sustainable Development" program at Luojia Summer School, and Deputy Director of the Broadcasting and Television Department, Professor  Ouyang Min.

Dean Qiang Yuexin and Secretary Liu Chaohui extended a warm welcome to the delegation, providing a brief overview of our institute's history, unique characteristics, and international exchange initiatives. Dean Qiang Yuexin noted the significance of welcoming friends from Central Asia at a time when President Xi Jinping is visiting the region. He highlighted the long-standing history and deep traditional friendship between China and Uzbekistan, underscoring our institute's commitment to enhancing research on international communication within the Belt and Road Initiative. Vice Dean Hong Jiewen elaborated on the internationalization strategy and distinctive features of our undergraduate teaching, particularly mentioning the "Global Communication and Sustainable Development" course offered during the third semester of this summer, which has been internationally oriented and promoted for three consecutive years. This year, we are especially grateful to the Uzbek side for supporting and sponsoring seven students to participate in the program. Secretary Liu Chaohui, in his concluding remarks, expressed hope that this visit would serve as a catalyst for further exploration of student and academic exchanges between the two institutions, advancing China-Central Asia community communication.

Vice President Khalikov Ulugbek expressed gratitude for the invitation extended to seven students to participate in the "Global Communication and Sustainable Development" summer camp at Luojia Summer School. He provided an overview of Tashkent State University of Economics, one of the oldest and largest economics universities in Central Asia, and conveyed a strong desire for cooperation in international relations and communication with our school. He extended a warm welcome to our students to attend their summer camps, gain insights into Central Asian culture, and strengthen the deep friendship between Central Asia and China, while fostering high-quality talent with an international perspective for China's Belt and Road Initiative.

Professor Ji Li, head of the "Global Communication and Sustainable Development" course, introduced the program's development and warmly welcomed students from Tashkent State University of Economics to continue participating in our international courses, aiming to jointly cultivate international talents for strategic communication along the Belt and Road Initiative.

The "Global Communication and Sustainable Development" course, launched this year, is part of our institute's international teaching projects. More than 20 students from six countries, including Vietnam, Laos, Uzbekistan, Fiji, Sri Lanka, and the United States, have gathered at our school to learn and discuss with our students how to disseminate China's sustainable development experience through the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind. This project is a core component of the "2024 Luojia Summer School" and has received funding approval from the Ministry of Education.

Edit: Prof. Ji Li

Photographer: Dai Shujin