
Departments > Journalism


This major is aimed at training people to grasp systematic theories of journalism and communication and professional skills, to grasp various knowledge about culture and science, to get familiar with regulations and laws about journalism and propaganda in this country and to have the ability to work as reporters, editors, planners, managers or operators in government, news and publishing organizations, schools, companies etc.


The characteristics of this major include reaching various knowledge, following the government’s strategies, high requirements for practical skills. So the students need to learn the fundamental theory of Marxism, fundament theory and knowledge of journalism and communication, practical skills of news professions, good quality of science, culture, mental and physical health and the ability to participate in social activities and scientific research.

The knowledge and ability required for a student to graduate are:

  1. The fundamental knowledge and theory of journalism and communication;
  2. Knowledge and skills concerning news reporting, writing, editing, review and photography;
  3. The ability to investigate, participate in social activities and research;
  4. Getting familiar with strategies and regulations on media;
  5. Getting familiar with current conditions and trend of China’s journalism and communication and the developing changes in foreign countries.

Length of Schooling and Credits Required

Length of Schooling:4 years. Freshmen take the courses of fundamental courses of journalism and communication and general education. Then students can choose a major according to their needs and interests from Journalism, Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Advertising and Communication.

Credits Required: 140

The Degree Granted

Bachelor of Arts.


Fundamental courses: Introduction to Journalism, Introduction to Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Introduction to Advertising, Introduction to New Media, Theory of Mass Communication, Ethic and Regulation of Media, Research Method of Media, Application of digital technology.

Professional courses: Introduction to Journalism, News Reporting, News Writing, News Review, Multi-media Reporting, News Photography, History of Chinese Journalism and Communication, History of Western Journalism and Communication, Management and Operation of Media, English Newspaper Reading.

Double languages courses: English Newspaper Reading, Comparative Journalism, English News Writing.

Main Experimental and Practical Requirements

Main experimental courses include Experiment on News Photography and Experiment on Editing and Design of Newspaper Format.

Requirements of Practice: The practice education includes curricular internship, vacation internship and major internship. Teachers would guide students to have practical activities in campus according to their curricular plan. In vacation, school requires students to practice in media or participate in social activities. Students have internship in professional media in 6th semester for 3-4 months. The total time of practical internship has to be more than 30 weeks.

Requirements for Graduation

The students will be permitted to graduate only when they get full credits, finish their thesis and pass the defense. The Bachelor of Arts will be granted if a student reach the requirements.