
Excellent Teaching and Research Achievement of the Undergraduate Teachers and Students in 2020


The results of the annual evaluation of undergraduate teaching research papers in Wuhan University have been published. A total of 11 papers were awarded by our school. Among them, six papers won the second prize, and seven papers won the third prize.

In 2020, teachers and students of our school achieved fruitful achievement in teaching and research work. In terms of teachers' scientific research, Professor Zhou Maojun's research about“the Construction of Core Curriculum System of Journalism and Communication for Undergraduate”was chosen as a special project of China Society higher education in 2020, and Ms. Hou Xiaoyan's research about “the Cultivation Path of Practical Ability of Data News Course” has be selected as a special project of Teachers' Teaching Development of Wuhan University's Teaching Reform Research Project 2020.

In terms of students' scientific research, there were 3 national level projects, 5 provincial level projects and 8 university level projects. Students published 19 papers in various journals, and 10 papers won the "excellent bachelor's degree thesis of Wuhan University of 2020".