Call for Papers
'Modernisation, Modernity and the Media in China'
Conference, June 15 th -16 th , 2006
Venue: China Media Centre, University of Westminster
China Media Centre(CMC) at University of Westminster invites proposals for papers and panel sessions for its 2006 conference on the theme of 'Modernisation, Modernity and the Media in China'.
This conference aims to tackle two major aspects of theoretical and practical concern in research on China and its media. First, it is concerned with the transformation of Chinese media as embedded in the 'modernisation' process of China . The second aspect is about the formulation and mediation of 'modernity' in Chinese media and intellectual discourses.
China's development since the 1990s has brought the country unprecedented interdependence with the World in all aspects and the deep structural transformation of its society and media. Mediations and reformulations of 'modernity' in the Chinese media, political and intellectual discourses have been especially relevant and closely linked to this process.
In China , Western influence on local discussions of 'modernity' date back to the 19 th century. The values of the European Enlightenment, modern science, reason and democracy, were assumed to be the core values of .modernity. and were internalized by Chinese intellectuals to challenge the dominance of traditional Confucian thought.
In last two decades, the Western origins of the sprawling concept of 'modernity'- the nation-state, democracy, capitalist economy, industrialization, urbanization, emphasis on rationality, progress and individualism, and construction of cultural and social identities. have experienced sharp criticisms from intellectuals in both the West and China . Both groups question the universality and superiority of Western thought, criticise the linear view of history implicit in Western 'modernity', and call for a rethinking of the search for modernity in transitional societies.
The media presents a dual role in this debate. On the one hand, the media articulates the public opinions on 'modernity' and its relationship with the Chinese nation and tradition. It disseminates the ideas what the 'modern' individual, organisation, culture, society and state are supposed to be. It mediates the public imaginations of 'modernity' through its texts, images and narratives. On the other hand, the media, as a social institution, embodies the cultural-political-economic conditions in the society and the characteristics of the societal modernisation process. These characteristics inform in the practices, structures and changes of the media and the messages it propagates.
What kind(s) of modernit(ies) do Chinese media and society consume, create and perform today? How and why do these appropriations, formulations and mediations emerge ? Why do they assume the patterns which they do?
Papers addressing one or more of above concerns are welcome. We particularly encourage papers that explore issues of:
media policy, the Chinese nation-state and global political economy
changing media institutions
'modernity' in the media and the intellectuals
internationalisation, internationalism and the Chinese media
media and the public responsibilities
journalistic professionalism and its practices
media consumption
cultural representation in media and identity formation
media, rural community and rural-urban communication
new media, politics and cyberculture
mobile communication and the political impact
reporting on China
Guidelines for submitting abstracts/panel proposals/papers:
Abstracts of proposed papers (max. 300 words) are due by January 15 th , 2006.
Panel proposals (max. 500 words including title, rationale, a full list of participants) are due by January 20th, 2006.
Please send submissions via email to:
Applicants will be notified for the result by Mid-February 2006.
For applicants who want their papers to be considered for inclusion in the conference proceedings, the deadline for complete papers is May 31 st , 2006.
For any enquiries, please contact the conference coordinator Ms. Yik Chan Chin via email: chiny@wmin.ac.uk , or phone: +44 (0)20 7911 5000 ext. 4882, or fax: +44 (0)20 7911 5943.
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