序号 | 分馆 | 题 名 | 索书号 | 条码 |
1 | XW01 | Radio in small nations : production, programmes, audiences / | G229/R129/2012/Y | 102100462860 |
2 | XW01 | Media convergence : networked digital media in everyday life / | G206.2/M512/2012/Y | 102100462861 |
3 | XW01 | Newsworkers : toward a history of the rank and file / | G219.712/N558/1995/Y | 102100462864 |
4 | XW01 | Digital memory and the archive / | G206.2/E71/2013/Y | 102100462866 |
5 | XW01 | Normative theories of the media : journalism in democratic societies / | G210/N851/2009/Y | 102100462867 |
6 | XW01 | Citizen journalism : valuable, useless, or dangerous? / | G21/C581/2012/Y | 102100462868 |
7 | XW01 | Television westerns episode guide : all United States series, 1949-1996 / | G229.712.9-7/L574/2012/Y | 102100462877 |
8 | XW01 | Discovering the news : a social history of American newspapers / | G219.712/S384/1978/Y | 102100462893 |
9 | XW01 | White news : why local news programs don't cover people of color / | G219.712.7/B368/2012/Y | 102100463087 |
10 | XW01 | Citizen journalism : global perspectives / | G212/C581/2009/Y | 102100463109 |
11 | XW01 | Media now : understanding media, culture, and technology. | G206.2/S912(8)/2014/Y | 102100463784 |
12 | XW01 | Communicate! / | G206.3/V483(14)/2014/Y | 102100463785 |
13 | XW01 | Writing to deadline : the journalist at work / | G212.2/M981/2000/Y | 102100463793 |
14 | XW01 | Knowledge is power : the diffusion of information in early America, 1700-1865 / | G209/B879/1991/Y | 102100463794 |
15 | XW01 | The press gang : newspapers and politics, 1865-1878 / | G219.712.9/S955/1994/Y | 102100463819 |
16 | XW01 | Do the media govern? : politicians, voters, and reporters in America / | G206.3(712)/D631/1997/Y | 102100463824 |
17 | XW01 | A social history of contemporary democratic media / | G206.3-09/D776/2013/Y | 102100463850 |
18 | XW01 | The Gilded Age press, 1865-1900 / | G219.712.9/S668/2003/Y | 102100463851 |
19 | XW01 | Broadcast announcing worktext : a media performance guide / | G223/S836(4)/2013/Y | 102100463859 |
20 | XW01 | Media interventions / | G206.3-05/M489k/2013/Y | 102100463868 |
21 | XW01 | Democracy and the media : a comparative perspective / | G206.3/D383/2000/Y | 102100463885 |
22 | XW01 | The public press, 1900-1945 : the history of American journalism / | G219.712.9/T258/2006/Y | 102100463904 |
23 | XW01 | The social construction of international news : we're talking about them, they're talking about us / | G212/W312/2002/Y | 102100463905 |
24 | XW01 | Communities of journalism : a history of American newspapers and their readers / | G219.712.9/N828/2001/Y | 102100463908 |
25 | XW01 | On the interactions of news media, interpersonal communication, opinion formation, and participation | G206.3/K49/1997/Y | 102100463911 |
26 | XW01 | Yellow journalism : puncturing the myths, defining the legacies / | G219.712/C192/2001/Y | 102100463912 |
27 | XW01 | The Oxford handbook of media psychology / | G206.3/O-98d/2013/Y | 102100463922 |
28 | XW01 | Dynamics of international advertising : theoretical and practical perspectives / | F713.8/M946d/2004/Y | 102100464247 |
29 | XW01 | Interviewing for journalists / | G212.1/A217(2)/2001/Y | 102100464249 |
30 | XW01 | American journalism : history, principles, practices / | G219.712/A512/2002/Y | 102100464250 |
31 | XW01 | Media reception studies / | G206.3/S782/2005/Y | 102100464251 |
32 | XW01 | Media product portfolios : issues in management of multiple products and services / | G206.3-05/M489p/2005/Y | 102100464254 |
33 | XW01 | Media events : the live broadcasting of history / | G229.19/D275/1994/Y | 102100464266 |
34 | XW01 | Action theory and communication research : recent developments in Europe / | G206.3/A188/2004/Y | 102100464267 |
35 | XW01 | Rethinking media pluralism / | G206.3-05/K18/2013/Y | 102100464269 |
36 | XW01 | Printers and press freedom : the ideology of early American journalism / | G219.712.9/S651/1990/Y | 102100464271 |
37 | XW01 | The republic of mass culture : journalism, filmmaking, and broadcasting in America since 1941 / | G206.3-097.12/B346(3)/2006/Y | 102100464273 |
38 | XW01 | Defining media studies : reflections on the future of the field / | G206/D313/1994/Y | 102100464315 |
39 | XW01 | Chronicling trauma : journalists and writers on violence and loss / | G212/U56/2011/Y | 102100464321 |
40 | XW01 | Alternative journalism, alternative voices / | G219.561.7/H257/2013/Y | 102100464338 |
41 | XW01 | Gods within the machine : a history of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, 1923-1993 / | G219.712.9/P917/1995/Y | 102100464390 |
42 | XW01 | Media decentralization : the case of Israel's local newspapers / | G219.382.4/C342/1986/Y | 102100464394 |
43 | XW01 | Soft news goes to war : public opinion and American foreign policy in the new media age / | G229.712/B347/2003/Y | 102100464398 |
44 | XW01 | Personal influence : the part played by people in the flow of mass communications / | G206.3/K19e/2006/Y | 102100464399 |
45 | XW01 | Killed : great journalism too hot to print / | G219.712/K48w/2004/Y | 102100464403 |
46 | XW01 | Canonic texts in media research : are there any? should there be? how about these? / | G206.3/C227/2003/Y | 102100464404 |
47 | XW01 | Comparative media history : an introduction : 1789 to the present / | G206.3-09/C466/2005/Y | 102100464405 |
48 | XW01 | Future active : media activism and the Internet / | G206.2/M512f/2002/Y | 102100464407 |
49 | XW01 | Narrative and media / | G206.3/N234/2005/Y | 102100464409 |
50 | XW01 | Broadcast news handbook : writing, reporting, and producing in a converging media world / | G222/T915(5)/2014/Y | 102100464410 |
51 | XW01 | Bourdieu and the journalistic field / | G210-05/B769/2005/Y | 102100464412 |
52 | XW01 | Media power in Central America / | G219.73/R684/2003/Y | 102100465300 |
53 | XW01 | Arab media in the information age. | G206.3-532/M345/2005,10th/Y | 102100465310 |
54 | XW01 | Religion in the media age / | G206.3/H789/2006/Y | 102100465316 |
55 | XW01 | Generational use of new media / | G206.7/G326/2012/Y | 102100462836 |
56 | XW01 | Media relations for public safety professionals / | G206.3/B878/2004/Y | 102100462845 |
57 | XW01 | Mass communication : living in a media world / | G206.3/H251(4)/2014/Y | 102100462846 |
58 | XW01 | What's next? : problems & prospects of journalism / | G21/W555/2001/Y | 102100462847 |
59 | XW01 | Media in a globalized society / | G206.3/M489hs/2003/Y | 102100462849 |
60 | XW01 | Culture and the media / | G206.3-05/B787/2012/Y | 102100462855 |
61 | XW01 | Media and the path to peace / | G206.3/W861/2004/Y | 102100464058 |
62 | XW01 | The future of the mass audience / | G206.3/N492/1991/Y | 102100464069 |
63 | XW01 | Private television in Western Europe : content, markets, policies / | G229.5/P961/2013/Y | 102100464469 |
64 | XW01 | Image studies : Theory and practice / | G206.2/M277/2013/Y | 102100464477 |
65 | XW01 | Journalism & society / | G210/M173/2013/Y | 102100464478 |
66 | XW01 | Handbook of communication history / | G206.3/H236s/2013/Y | 102100464482 |
67 | XW01 | Sports media : planning, production, and reporting / | G212/S387/2005/Y | 102100464501 |
68 | XW01 | Online journalism : a critical primer / | G210.7/H177/2001/Y | 102100464503 |
69 | XW01 | Journalists for empire : the imperial debate in the Edwardian Stately Press, 1903-1913 / | G219.561.9/S796/1991/Y | 102100464506 |
70 | XW01 | We keep America on top of the world : television journalism and the public sphere / | G229.712/H189/2005/Y | 102100464537 |
71 | XW01 | Reruns on file : a guide to electronic media archives / | G206.3/G583/2009/Y | 102100464539 |
72 | XW01 | Politics and the American press : the rise of objectivity, 1865-1920 / | G219.712.9/K17/2002/Y | 102100465379 |
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